[Fx2lib-devel] Beginner question regarding I/O ports
Willem Jansen
12 years ago
Hello fellow developers,

I have a simple beginner question regarding the I/O ports. I got a
simple Development Board of the 56pin version of the cy7c68013a.

To get started I want to see the I/O Pins of the chip to change from
3.3V to 0V and back. I therefore changed to lights-example as follows:

#include <fx2regs.h>

#include <lights.h>

#include <delay.h>

void main(void)


// loop endlessly

for(;;) {







However, my voltmeter does not show any changes once I loaded it with
"sudo fx2load -v 0x04b4 -p 0x0082 build/lights.bix"

To be even more precise, I seems that all pins of the IOD-port are
somewhat disconnected, as there is no voltage difference neither to and
GND nor the 3.3V Pins.

Any ideas?

Willem Jansen
Daniel O'Connor
12 years ago
To be even more precise, I seems that all pins of the IOD-port are somewhat disconnected, as there is no voltage difference neither to and GND nor the 3.3V Pins.
I believe they are set to input so they will be floating.
You need to do the following to set turn the output enables on..
OED = 0xff;

Note that IFCFG1 and WORDWIDE can affect port D (they will switch it to its alternative function FD[15:8])

Hope that helps :)

BTW I found it quite helpful to configure UART 0 and write out debug messages to it (depends if you need both UARTs for your application though).

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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are so many of them to choose from."
-- Andrew Tanenbaum
GPG Fingerprint - 5596 B766 97C0 0E94 4347 295E E593 DC20 7B3F CE8C
Chris McClelland
12 years ago
That board uses the 56-pin package, which does not have any UARTs. You
can easily make a fast (115200) send-only software UART for debugging:


I found this invaluable during development of the FPGALink FX2 firmware.

Note that this code assumes there will be no interrupts during the
execution of usartSendByte(); if your firmware uses interrupts you'll
need to disable them on entry and re-enable them on exit.
